Cosmic Calendar--Summer 2017
6/21 Herbs for Sobriety
6/23 Cosmic Portal Gong Meditation w/Emily Horowitz
6/24 Breaking the Cycle of Inherited Family Trauma
6/24 Intro to Wholistic Embodied Ecstatic Sexuality
6/30 The Circle of Light: Women’s Circle
6/30 Mystical Symbolism exhibit at the Guggenheim
7/12 & 7/26 Herbs for the Respiratory and Nervous System
7/16 Herbal Energetics: The Ten Tastes
7/19 Our Changing Bodies: For Women Ages 35-105
7/22 Introduction to the Eleven Moon Centers
7/23-28 Introduction to Energy Psychology w/David Feinstein
7/25 Community Accountability & Transformative Justice
7/25 Holy Smoke
8/4-8/6 Masters of the Tarot
8/19 Fertile Ground New Moon Ceremony
9/9 & 9/10 Breathwork Healer Training One