About Flower Essences


Flower Essences are a type of vibrational and plant medicine. They are created from blossoms that have been picked at the height of their blooms and placed in a solution of solarized water and preserved in a small amount of alcohol or apple cider vinegar. They are different from essential oils and are odorless. The entire signature--or essence--of the flower is captured within a flower essence formula. The flower essence tincture is then taken orally, or can be applied directly to the skin. They are safe, non-toxic, and have no side effects. Flower essences can be safely used alongside pharmaceuticals--or in some cases, in place of them. 

Dr. Edward Bach

Dr. Edward Bach


Throughout history various cultures have been applying the healing power of plants and flowers to enhance health and spiritual development. 

In the 1930s, Dr. Edward Bach began applying flower essences to a contemporary medical model of healing. Trained as a bacteriologist and homeopath, Bach recognized the relationship between certain personalities, disease, and the intelligent design of plants as curatives. Stationed in England during the Second World War, he saw firsthand how people with certain temperaments developed certain symptoms. Following in the footsteps of Paracelsus and Samuel Hahnemann, Bach applied the basic precept of the mind-body-spirit connection of flower essences (also found in many ancient and Eastern healing traditions) to modern Western medicine. 

The Chakras

The Chakras

Vibrational Medicine & Flower Essences

To understand how flower essences work it is necessary to be open to other paradigms of healing. The idea of the mind-body-spirit connection is evident in the theory of vibrational or subtle energetic medicine, which supports that all bodies are infused with a "subtle" energy or life force. Homeopathy and acupuncture are other examples of therapies involving the subtle energy field. Flower essences work via the interstitial fluid and crystalline matrix of the body, as well as the energetic field around the self. 

The ancients were masters of healing in these realms. They communicated directly with plants and were able to apply this wisdom to both the subtle and physical bodies of people. All parts of plants—flower, leaf, root, bark—are used for medicine, but flowers have been specifically recognized throughout history for their emotional and spiritual properties. 

Moon Garden

Application of Flower Essences to Therapy

In addition to working within the model of the subtle energy field, I utilize the concept of the energy systems, also known as the chakras. The energy systems are a template of centers, that run along the central axis of the body. Each center corresponds to specific organs, physical functioning, and psycho-spiritual functioning. The modern parallel of this is the concept of the endocrine system.

During childhood, as the personality develops, ego conflicts arise as a result of adapting to one's caregivers and environment. The energy systems develop in tandem with this process. Any imprinting during this time is usually the origin of many imbalances in the system. Left unaddressed, psycho-spiritual conflicts in our unconscious and subconscious can become full-blown mental and physical conditions. In a certain light, imbalances are opportunities for higher integration and attunement. Flower essence therapy aims to expand the consciousness around how early and ongoing conditions are informing present issues to allow for healing and release.

The goals of flower essence therapy include ease in accessing higher vibratory states like joy and gratitude; enhanced mind-body-spirit balance, presence, acceptance of emotions and integration of difficult vibratory states, encouraging flow states like creativity, manifesting; supporting balance, expanding awareness of self and the Universe, ancestral connection and healing, and helping us to be of greater service to ourselves, others, and the Earth. 

Everyone will have their own distinct alchemical response to an essence or essences. The effects can be subtle and also powerfully transformative, heralding change in many facets of one's life. While we all possess the ability to heal ourselves, it is important to work with a flower essence practitioner who possesses the expertise necessary to accurately and effectively evaluate client needs and support the integration process. 

Today, there are many flower essence producers. In addition to the essences I wildcraft, the producers I work with are: Bach Flower Remedies, Flower Essence Society, Delta Gardens, Alaskan Essences, Bloesem Remedies Nederlands, Woodland Essence, and Green Tara. Making your own flower essences is a very empowering experience I encourage. I offer consultation on medicine-making, and regularly teach classes on this subject.