Cosmic Calendar - Terrestrial events for Autumn 2015
9/19 Creating Space: A workshop on Boundaries for Practitioners
9/23 Brooklyn Raga Massive, John Coltrane Raga Tribute and Birthday Concert
9/24 The Art of Herbal Medicine Making with Robin Rose Bennett
9/26 Harvest Moon Circle with Drumming and Shaman Mama Donna Henes
9/29 Path of Kriya Yoga: The Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda (four-week course)
9/30 Love Boost with Veronica Varlow
10/16 New Moon Double Gong with Emily Horowitz and Lucy Child
10/20 C.G. Jung Institute of New York Open House
11/13 New Moon Double Gong with Emily Horowitz and Lucy Child
11/14 & 11/15 Holiday Renegade Craft Fair
12/11 New Moon Double Gong with Emily Horowitz and Lucy Child