Full Moon in Scorpio
Image: Serpent painting by Carl Jung, in The Red Book, circa 1920
I've been waiting for this full moon, y'all. I'd about had it with surprise karmic zingers and getting hit in the face with assumptions (my own!). These last few months have felt like such a slog and then WOOO! Forward motion. If you felt like some of your oldest patterns and polarities were getting stretched, you were not alone.
Since February, the Cosmic Curriculum has included a lot of repeat exercises around responding to life in balance. To me, balance denotes certain feeling states such as: groudedness, presence, acceptance, and being in one's heart. Many of the opposing energies felt at this time have been manifesting on the opposite polarity as: irritability, impatience, and a perceived separation (from Self/Source).
Lots of messages coming up around Divine Timing--in my clients, in myself, and in the collective. It was repeatedly revealed to me that there's OUR TIME: what we want and when we want it. And then there's the timing of Spirit and the Universe. When we're in the cosmic stream with both our own desires and what the Universe desires for us--this is FLOW. (This axiom is also a basic tenet of manifestation.)
We finally have some momentum to move and grow ourselves in flow with more ease right now. Luckily, the forward movement of Venus and Mercury provides for more positive energy for whatever we want to create. Communing with the Divine, and leaning into both the highs and the lows. It may not necessarily feel completely comfortable at this time, but that's never been the game of evolution. Discomfort doesn't mean you're not doing it right, it means you've signed up for deeper work and it's ongoing this month. For all you shadow workers, you should feel proud of all the work you've undertaken, perhaps now it feels the excavation is paying off.
Scorpio is bound to unearth some buried material. Non-attachment to feeling good and avoiding feeling bad frees us from the leela, the ups and downs. If you're open to it, this time, I believe, is for growing us to be in fiercer presence and deeper balance. If we're truly in our hearts and trusting in the present, HOW WE RESPOND TO LIFE is what matters and moves the dial forward. Goddess knows we need this kind of fortitude for whatever lies ahead.
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Questions to Consider this Full Moon:
Resistance vs. allowance--where can I allow? Where am I in resistance?
How do I move within, not from the way fear makes me move?
How do I respond to the highs (e.g., good news) differently than the lows (e.g., bad news)? Can I show up to both with equanimity?
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Some flower essences that might be useful to you during this time:
FES Echinacea – a balancing essence, used to integrate disparate parts of ourselves
Delta Gardens Golden Amaranthus – to “let go and let God”, trusting in the process, for Type As, great for Ennegramic Ones and Sixes and Human Design Manifesting Generators
FES Pedicularis – remembering our soul history to better understand our purpose in our current incarnation, for highly sensitive types who can tend to be immobilized by their emotions, alleviating soul level suffering
Bach Chestnut Bud – Mechthild Scheffer calls this the “The Learning Flower”, for the ability to “cultivate wisdom and understand the laws of karma”; to ensure lessons are being learned and repeating patterns are being integrated
FES Fireweed – “Positive qualities: Recovery of vital forces; Phoenix-like powers of soul to re-construct and re-create new life; assimilation of alchemical fire toward new forces of life and rejuvenation Patterns of imbalance: healing for events involving adversity and disruption, “trial by fire”
Delta Gardens Red Cedar – any tree is good for grounding and Red Cedar has deep roots, for reconnecting with the Earth after a period of being tested, stabilization after turbulent times, for those who have been wandering and are ready to settle down.