Love and the Fifth Dimension
Will and I in South Africa, April 2017
The Summer Solstice is a time when light is at its zenith. The sun is in its complete, exalted state. Everything is in full bloom. Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and positivity, has recently gone direct. This heralds a somewhat easier and more expansive time.
Yet, even so, we’re at a time when there remains much fear in the collective—fear for both humanity and the Earth itself. As we are all part of the same macrocosm, there is no separation between what’s happening to you or me and what’s happening to us—we are all participating in the unfolding of what’s to come. That means that, when we heal ourselves, we are also affecting physical change on the planet.
In this moment, I feel many teachings coming up around unconditional love. There is an energy in the air of communal gathering, coming together. “Be the change you want to see” has never been more on point. Every day, more people are waking up to the vibrational reality and the interconnectedness of all life.
If you’re reading this, chances are, like me, you’re interested in becoming more conscious. Previously, I’ve written of the dimensional aspects of consciousness, and how we are moving away from 3rd dimensional consciousness (fear) and into 4th (self-love) and 5th (collective love) dimensional consciousness. This means that more of us are choosing to exist beyond the ego/fear paradigm and moving into heart-and-soul awareness. It’s an encouraging, inspiring, hopeful time—as much as it is a frightening and challenging one. And unconditional love is the primary characteristic of expanded heart consciousness. It is an imperative ingredient for optimal collective evolution, aka ascension.
I conceptualize love and fear on the same axis, occupying opposite poles. If love and fear are sitting on a see-saw, we’ve been experiencing a lot of teetering and wobbling between these two states in recent months. As the fires of fear get stoked in the world, I see outpourings of fear and much love in response. For all the terror, oppression, and chaos, I am encouraged at how people are showing up right now—on both personal and collective levels. I wonder if many others who are on spiritual paths have also experienced a quickening, an acceleration of transformation as of late. I feel hopeful knowing that love, the highest vibratory state, has the potential to transform even the darkest of karmic shadows.
As a helper, my intention is to be of the highest service to others, and also to honor my own journey. One of the reasons I waited seven years to see clients in private practice was because, in order for me to be of assistance to people, I felt I needed to hold a certain resonance of unconditional love. This is not something that came easily to me, and it has taken me some time to reach a place where I now hold more love in myself than fear. Unconditional love was the way forward for me—and it’s the way forward for many others. I trust this unequivocally. There are exceptions and everyone’s process is unique, but generally speaking, we can’t just wake up one day and magically exist in 5D unconditional love consciousness, everything alight with sparkles and rainbows. Getting there requires hard work and a great commitment of both time and energy. Remember the see-saw metaphor—it can be a wobbly ride and sometimes fear pulls you back down to the 3D. After all this is the physical world we exist within.
Heart Chakra
Love Lessons
Many people have incarnated to learn lessons about love. Healer Juliana Swanson calls the lessons we’re here to learn our “karmic curriculum.” From a vibrational level, love is the highest frequency state. It obviously has a lot to do with being in our hearts. That’s one of my biggest teachings—and one of my greatest responsibilities as a helper. Given that the ego develops as a result of the self's fear of being unloved, on some level, you could say that all human beings are here to learn how to love.
It’s crucial to remember that what we believe about ourselves in regards to love internally affects everything we create and manifest externally. Protesting peacefully, resisting the use of violence and aggression, forgiving those who have harmed you—these are all examples of meeting fear with love. If you consistently reinforce or recreate toxic relationships, can’t get clear about your true calling, have difficulty feeling comfortable in social settings, or have persistent trouble manifesting abundance—these are a few of the frequent presentations I observe in my practice around lack of self-love. Furthermore, I can’t overstate how often I see corollaries between physical disease and self-hate/fear. Overcoming a lack of self-love can literally be a matter of life and death. And it’s my belief that much of the love we hold or don’t hold comes down to beliefs and the choices we make around those beliefs.
Wild Cherry, Prunus avium, who recently shared with me that loving oneself is the greatest gift you can give the world.
Ego Development
If you’re a human being, you possess an ego structure. Animals don’t have egos—that’s why they have such a special role in our healing. Because they are free of egoic programming, they are able to love unconditionally. See the relationship to lack of ego and unconditional love? (Animals do feel fear, of course, although it is connected to survival and not programmed around love in the same way.) The ego exists primarily in the 3D, a level of consciousness that is characterized by fear. In children, the ego begins to develop in infancy and is mostly fixed by age 7. The personality, and the beliefs we hold about ourselves, are organized around the ego. The ego is erected as a result of either a real or perceived threat of being unloved. Our chakra system develops in tandem with the ego structure, which defines much of our physiological and emotional functioning.
Emotional Support Dog
How Egoic Beliefs and Stories Manifest
Egoic stories present in specific ways and affect what we manifest. Because the ego represents the level of consciousness associated with fear, the stories it generates are essentially lies. Much like a child learns best through experience and repetition, we learn what we believe to be true about ourselves and reality through stories we reinforce in life patterns. Have you ever asked yourself, “Why does this keep happening?” It is likely you’re feeling the effects of an egoic story.
When you’ve merged with a story you’ve unwittingly colluded with your ego, and believed that the lesson the story holds is the truth. It might feel like this story or situation happens to you, but in actuality, it is a part of you that is creating the drama. The breakthrough comes when you realize that you have a choice in how you respond. In Focusing, we invite our “parts” to share with us, which allows us to recognize which of our beliefs come from our egoic parts and which comes from our higher selves.
Below is a chart illustrating the first three chakras (where most of our wounding lies) and a few generalized associated beliefs, stories, and states of disease.
If I have a core belief that I don’t deserve love because I’m unworthy, then every time I perceive the feeling of being unloved, that’s a win for my ego. Because it knows it can leverage my skewed perception into reinforcing its agenda, which is based in fear. The opposite of an egoic fear belief is a love belief. Here is an example:
See the difference between the domains? What if we operated from an internal place of self-love? How would that translate in our relationships with others? How would that affect how our children love themselves? How would that affect larger groups and the collective? The potentials for transformation are tremendous. This is why I am hopeful for the present and the future—because more people are choosing to be love and therefore respond to life with love, and create positive change in the world.
Becoming a Boddhisattva
On a recent spiritual journey to South Africa, a phrase that came up often in the group was “The next Buddha is the sangha.” Meaning, the next incarnation of the Buddha, or phase of consciousness, is the community, not one being. This is that time. We are the people, the sangha. While we will always contend with our egos, existing sheerly at the level of ego and self—maybe it’s time to live beyond this realm.
Vajrayogini Bodhisattva
Bodhisattvas are enlightened beings who have decided to remain on Earth to serve all sentient beings in their evolution. They embody divine compassion, wisdom, and love. One could say the bodhisattva is a mascot for the 5th Dimension. It’s important to note that bodhisattvas do not discriminate between serving their highest selves and serving others and the planet—they are all one in the same.
Regardless of vocation or life path, I am inspired by ALL who hold a love vibration. I aspire to exist in this state and to reinforce this vibration within all life. Prayers for all those who are on this journey back to unity consciousness and unconditional love. Om mani padme hum.
Pink Lotus, Nelumbo nucifera