Summer 2018 Cosmic Calendar
Celtic calendar via the Internet
Some NYC & BK happenings that look groovy ~
6/21 Healing Circle for BIPOC Survivors of Sexual Trauma
6/24 Psychic Hygiene 101: Self-Care for the Soul
6/28 Astrology 102: Astrology of Love
6/28 Hand-rolled Incense Making
6/29 The Living Womb—Parenting Circle: Exploring Post-Partum Bodies with Sarah Lewin
6/30 Embodied Desire: Somatic Skills for Sexual Pleasure
7/1 Herbal Energetics with David Winston
7/7 Past Life Meditations through Voice and Sound
7/15 Modeling an Urban, Agricultural Business
7/18 Secret Universe: Astrocartography
7/27 Midwifery and Herbs Workshop Series: Part 1
7/28 & 7/29 Herbal Weekend in the Catskills
7/28 & 7/29 An Urban Journey into the Practice of Forest Bathing